Travel Information

Arrival by train

Coming from the Hauptbahnhof (main station) Bochum, you can reach the Ruhr-Universität by taking the subway U35 in direction Bochum Hustadt. Leave the subway at the station Ruhr-Universität (Videoanimation, approx. 9.2 MB). From here orient yourself by using the site plan of Ruhr-University Bochum. The workshop will take place at Beckmanns Hof, which is located next to the Botanical Garden.

Alternatively you can also reach the Ruhr-Universität with the bus lines SB67, 320, 346, 356, 370, 372, 375, 376 or 377.

To create your individual timetable have a look at the following two services:

Arrival by Car

You can reach the Ruhr-Universität by car via the Autobahnkreuz (interchange) Bochum/Witten. On the south section of the interchange, i.e. A43 in direction Wuppertal, is the Ausfahrt (exit) Bochum-Querenburg, where you leave the highway. For more information please have a look at the map of the Ruhr-Universität and its surrounding area.

After that simply drive approximately 2 km on the Universitätsstraße in direction Bochum Zentrum to the exit Uni-Mitte. On the exit take the left lane to get to the porter, who can show you the way to the visitors parkings (Videoanimation, approx. 8.8 MB). From here orient yourself using the site plan of the Ruhr-Universität. The workshop will take place at Beckmanns Hof, which is located next to the Botanical Garden.